Six magic accessories every beginner needs

These fool-proof tricks will make you a regular Criss Angel.
magic starter kit
TK Travis Rathbone


1. Magic carpet

The 21.5-by-13-inch padded Vanishing Inc. Deluxe Close-Up Pad provides a comfortable surface for practicing and performing routines. The textured synthetic wool deadens noise that could betray sleight-of-hand movements in some close-up tricks.

2. Bar trick

By palming half of the multicolored Magic Makers Sizzle Sticks, deft illusionists can appear to change the rods from all red to black and white—and back. At 3.75 inches long, the nickel-plated props fit easily in a pocket for impromptu shows.

3. Key master

Skilled practitioners can seemingly chomp off part of the Geraint Clarke Key Bite, then spit it back into place thanks to an elastic band that connects both halves. One side is nickel and the other is brass, so it can mimic almost any door opener.

4. Sneaky spheres

A classic gimmick, Murphy’s Cup and Balls lets quick-handed performers “teleport” wool orbs between aluminum containers as they slide them around a table. The roomy 3.3-inch-wide vessels help beginners avoid missing an orb and giving up the bit.

5. Stacked deck

Subtle markings at the top left and bottom right of each of the Ellusionist Cohort Cards’ backs reveal the value and suit to help magicians look like mind readers. A thin yet stiff paper stock makes them tougher and lighter than a standard deck, for smoother shuffling.

6. String theories

The Rainbow Ropes Remix begins with a trio of strands that appear to be the same length. In reality, sliding knots connect two shorter ropes to a 3-foot section. With a little showmanship, viewers will believe they’ve morphed into a single, multicolored string.

This story appears in the Fall 2020, Mysteries issue of Popular Science.


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