The Most Amazing Science Images of 2010

Launch the gallery below, and enjoy our favorite pictures of the year, all in one place
Which Is the Robot?
That dancer out front is actually a robot named HRP-4C, created by Japan's Advanced Industrial Science and Technology. HRP-4C and her steel legs of doom held their own during a choreographed dance early this year. YOSHIKAZU TSUNO/AFP/Getty Images


Every issue of Popular Science begins with two amazing, full-page images in a section called Megapixels. Here we have assembled all of those beautiful images from this year’s issues and supplemented them with much, much more. Together, they tell a vivid story of the impressive year that was in science and tech. Launch the gallery below, and enjoy our favorite pictures of the year, all in one place:

Click to launch our favorite science, technology, and general PopSci weirdness of the year

These pictures cover the year that was 2010 in the way we’ll remember it: from disasters like the Gulf oil spill and the eruption of Eyjafjallajokull to incredible achievements like the construction of the world’s longest underground tunnel; from medical improvements like spray-on stem cells to discoveries like NASA’s new arsenic-loving bacteria; and, not least, utter silliness like a six-wheeled sports car or an endless variety of lovable robots. It’s amazing to see it all in one place–the good, the bad, the ugly, the tube-nosed fruit bat–and we think you’ll enjoy it as much as we do.

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Echolocation Fail
Ping-Pong Playing Terminator
E. Coli Sculpture
Completing Delhi's New Subway Line
The Worst Toxic Gas Leak in History, 25 Years Later
Tube-Nosed Fruit Bat
A Simulated Black Hole Event in the LHC's ATLAS Detector
Sandy, Salty Swirls
Oscar the Cat
Fruit Fly Embryo
Bacterial Colony
Whispering Gallery of Photons Measures Nanoparticlces
ISS Receives a Welcome Upgrade
Bioluminescent Critters
The Development of Dubai
Rescue Workers Train For Disaster
Heart Muscle Cells
King Tut's Only Grandmother
Orion Weld
This Chip Can Sift Martian Soil For Alien DNA
Atom Corral Is a Major Step Toward Quantum Computing
Largest-Ever Solar-Powered Boat
A Map of the U.S. Made of Slime Mold
Inexpensive Cataract Surgery in South Asia
The UK World Expo Pavilion
It's Spelled "Eyjafjallajokull"
Oil Globules on Orange Beach
The Tiniest Superconductor
Giant Floating Crane Searching For Clues to Korean Maritime Disaster
Why You Should Keep Your Face Away From Big Fireworks
Lung On a Chip
Webb Telescope
Potentially New Species Of Acorn Worm
Stem Cell Exerts Pressure On Microscopic Posts, Reveals Its Own Future
Beijing Olympics Water Cube Is Now a Water Park
Heavy Ion Collisions as Seen by the ALICE Experiment
ReCell Spray-on Skin Grafts
The Queen, in 3-D
Arsenic-Loving Bacteria
Covini C6W
EARL, the Bowling Robot
The World's Best Bomb Detector
Super K Sonic Booooum
Star Motion in Omega Centauri
Comet Hartley 2
Gamma Ray Bubbles
An Exoskeleton for Kids
Hungary's Toxic Mess
The Year's Best Microphotograph
Wye Junction, at the World's Longest Tunnel
The Famous, Influential Mandelbrot Set
Orcus Patera
Tarantula Nebula
Fruit and Vegetable Insides
Ping-Pong Balls in Zero Gravity
Solar Snake
Travelling Telescope
Robonaut, Packed in His Crate
Thermal Bats
The Retrieval of Hayabusa
Crewman Yue, a Mars500 Crew Member
Telenoid, the Larval Robot
Laundry Bot
Airplane Graveyard
The Launch of Atlantis
Happy 10th Birthday, Asimo
Bomb-Defusing Robot Hand

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