Turntables, Tattoo Guns, Theremins, And More

The NYC Makers show puts artists and DIY-ers in the spotlight.
The modules created by littleBits can be combined to form a variety of electronics projects—including the turntable-based synthesizer shown here.


In certain circles, the term “Maker” has come to mean “do-it-yourself enthusiast.” And NYC Makers, the biennial show at the Museum of Arts and Design, does feature a few projects that would look right at home in a dedicated hackerspace.

But at MAD, the definition of a maker has expanded to include artists, artisans, and more. In one room, sculptures sit side-by-side with a shipping box specially designed to protect delicate objects during transit. Scratch-and-sniff wallpaper adorns the stairwells, and security guards wear knitted vests designed by a fashion house. Other featured pieces include moonshine, huge blown-glass terrariums, podcast episodes, and even a room decorated as a “nightclub environment.”

If you’re looking for the type of DIY projects you might find at MakerFaire, NYC Makers may disappoint. However, it does showcase the astonishing variety of stuff that New Yorkers are creating every day. And if you want to skip the entry fee, check out the DIY-flavored pieces in this gallery of photos. _NYC Makers _runs until October 12.

Power Clip
Pink Perch theremin
Glass Menagerie candelabrum
echolocation device
pencil tattoo gun
Raptor Rapture
dissected human skull

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